Hailing from the rainy coastal town of Haugesund in Norway, Sundrowned released their debut album “Become Ethereal” through Fysisk Format in june 2021. Here we have collected some of the response.
"Once you click play, it's hard to turn it off." - Brooklyn Vegan
“Become Ethereal is a beautiful, melancholic, yet atmospheric and driving piece of musical art. In every song, you can feel the heart blood and passion. And this is what transforms music into emotion." - 8/10 - Blessed Altar Zine
"It certainly caught me by surprise with how fully formed and expansive the sound already was on album number one, and I’ll be keeping an eye on what Piscopo and company do in the future." - 9/10 - Metal Trenches
"Dense and divine, Become Ethereal by Sundrowned is a debut that just screams to be heard." - Rock and roll fables
"Become Ethereal is a strong sign of life in the post black metal underground." - 7/10 - Soundmagnet
"This record is another example why genres do not necessarily become boring – they can still be re-imagined and perfectly executed and thus remain relevant and magical. Just like alchemy. Or something ethereal and light. Floating." - Veil of Sound
"Become Ethereal is a debut to remember and one that’s filled with passion and hope. Listening to this album transcends your soul to a better place and lets you forget your troubles as they just float away with each beauteous and carefully thought-out note, and by the time the reflective and almost triumphant outro to ‘O Dom Da Fé’ plays out you will be fixed." - Echoes And Dust
"Become Ethereal is an album whose music builds off its peers,
yet is something completely different, molding itself into existence
through its composition and instrumentality." - Nine Circles
“Become Ethereal serves just right to cool down from the heat with its frosty and bleak vibes. Not to be missed for fans of the genre and blackgaze masters like Alcest, Lantlôs, etc. Top notch stuff." - The Prog Space
"Ethereal is a rare genre triumph of anguish and soothing melodies that permeate through the song like pollen grains scattered by the wind against their will but with the prospect of finding fertilisation in distant plains." - 6/10 - Scream Blast Repeat