Autonomie - No Peace Only Violence - quotes and reviews

Check out the quotes and reviews for the debut EP of Autonomie "No Peace Only Violence"!

"Autonomie has a bunch of great singles on their conscience already, but this debut EP/album is a skull-crusher of the most delightful variety. There are some riffs here that could just as easily have appeared on the respective debut records of Slayer and Metallica". - iTromsø

"Yes! Double bass pedals! Tactical beat changes! Fiercely drawn-out guitar riffs! Bloody-fresh West-coasters! What more could you ask for on a June weekend?" - NRK P3, about the single Doomsday

"The teenagers from Hundvåg sing like experienced Brit-punks. "We need revolution", insist the guys who are clearly inspired by Exodus and Slayer. They really kick it, and you can feel it in your stomach. Delicious."
Stavanger Aftenblad, about the single Riot Kill

"Fast, chaotic, train-about-to-go-off-the-tracks thrash metal: the way the genre started and the way it should always be. Autonomie pack in spiraling riffs, gang vocals, and reverb-drenched snarls as they smash their way through this lightning-paced EP. Sure, there's still slow, chunky sections, but somehow they sound even more unhinged than the fast stuff." - Invisible Oranges (US)

"Should ... put every metalhead in a good mood." - Prettyinnoise (DE):

The newcomers Autonomie from Hundvåg in Norway are such a band with an enormous fun factor. They thrash like it's 1985 with lots of crew shouts. It makes you feel young and full of energy again!" - Whiskey Soda (DE):

"Promise me you'll check this rock-hard orchestra out if you get the chance" - Evig Lyttar