Insomniac Bears: Scenic Drives // Secret promo

PROMO - DO NOT SHARE! OUT NOV 3RD ON FYSISK FORMAT Press assets: Waw/mp3 Soundcloud Single cover (By Fredrik Melby) Press pictures (By Anne Valeur) The debut single from art-pop retrofuturists Insomniac Bears contains a thrilling sense of freedom that is only captured when new sparks are triggered. This brand new quartet is setting out to combine norwegian nature, indie music and composure into something greater than the sum of its parts. Blending the guitar romance with bedroom soul they take on unexplored territory—piano-pop balladeering, sprightly prog-rock figures and distinctly indie-sounding anthems. Expect sharp compositions sprawling with intuitive charm and immediate hooks with a roaring largesse. Insomniac Bears consists of ex-Rumble in Rhodos singer Thomas Bratlie Haugland, Team Me wizz Marius Drogsås Hagen, Multi-instrumentalist Marius Ergo(Lukestar, Kaospilot, Snöras++) and Lo-Fi-Pop veteran Magnus Moriarty. Together they fill the room with lyrical vulnerability, sound experiments and honest pop-anthems that will take you closer to nature in new and surprising ways. Sure enough, this combo of players have pushed each others explorations further than before, resulting in a new musical collective to look out for. Their debut single ”Scenic Drives” is out now on Fysisk Format - making sure no one will be losing sleep this winter. Photo by: Anne Valeur