Release date: March 23rd 2018
Hi-res Cover (Photo by Linnea Julia Vestre)
Press photos
In short, our new single is about an old russian lady walking about in the royal park, picking up everyone’s empty bottles. The reason that we “know” her, is that we spend most of our free time in this very park. Why? It’s the best park in Oslo. There is more than enough space for everyone to do whatever they want, without bothering anyone. And the police can’t tell you to pour you beer out because it is technically a military area. But anyway, the song is about this old lady and us, and how it feels to have her picking up our garbage.
Duvel is:
Jack Holldorff - Guitar and vocals
Zacharias Flaathe - Bass
Brage Lindebrekke - Drums
Recorded at Blitz by Bjørn Larsen
Mixed by Bjørn Larsen
Mastred by Oskar Georg Holldorff
Cover photo by Linnea Julia Vestre
Cover model is Roland Sylvester Evenrud Goksøyr
Design by Gaute Terjesson