Hi-res cover (Design: Studio €)
Press picture (Morten Andersen)
BEGLOMEG with new song:''KOM DEG OVER'' (translates to ''Make Your Transition'')
Genre: Eurohåp (translates to eurohope)
Label: Fysisk Format ( kat # FY121 )
Release date: 31.12.17
Beglomeg are back with a new song and ''Kom deg over'' is Beglomegs New Years speech to anyone everywhere.
Arranged by Beglomeg
Vocals: Raymond T. Hauger. Synthesizers and choir: Luis Cerrato. Percussion: Christian Næss.
Lyrics: Cornelius Harris/Michael Anthony Banks. Translated by Raymond T. Hauger.
Music: Beglomeg.
Contains elements from ''Ingen av de våpen som blir smidd i mot meg skal ha fremgang (Axel Larsen).''
Mixed by Emile the Duke in Oslo.
Mastered by Christian Næss.
Photos by Morten Andersen (Country Rock

Photo: Morten Andersen (Download
Photo: Morten Andersen (Download
There will come a time in your life
When you´ll ask yourself a series of questions
Am I happy with who I am?
Am I happy with the people around me?
Am I happy with what I am doing?
Am I happy with the way my life is going?
Do I have a life?
Or am I just living?
Do not let these questions restrain or trouble you
Just point yourself in the direction of your dreams
Find your strength in the sound
And make your transition
Make your transition
Do I spend too much time thinking
And not enough doing?
Did I try my hardest at any of my dreams?
Did I purposely let others discourage me when I knew I could?
Will I die not knowing what I could have been or could have done?
Do not let these questions restrain or trouble you
Just point yourself in the direction of your dreams
Find your strength in the sound
And make your transition
Make your transition
There will be people who will say you can’t
But you will (you will)
There will be people who will say you don’t mix this with that
And you will say watch me (watch me)
There will be people who will say play it safe, that’s too risky
And you will take that chance and have no fear (no fear)
Do not let these questions restrain or trouble you
Just point yourself in the direction of your dreams
Find your strength in the sound
And make your transition
Make your transition
For those who know
It’s time to leave the house
And go back to the field