"The thought of what sort of damage ATTAN's full length album will have on your cranium and furniture is sure to terrify insurance companies everywhere"
- Metal Hammer Magazine UK
"It doesn’t really matter if they’re playing cocaine-fast or barbiturate-slow — either way, ATTAN will wreck your shit so bad that it won’t even be recognisable as your shit anymore. They’re THAT intense."
- Metalsucks.net
"So heavy, so fucking heavy, like the end of the earth heavy!"
- Stephen Hill, That´s Not Metal Podcast
When you grow up in the northernmost part of Norway, being harder than hardcore and more metal than metal is part of the mother’s milk. Following up on their 2015 EP “From Nothing”, ATTAN strike back from Ultima Thule with an album described by themselves as “The sound of humanity sucking the marrow from its own bone”.Consisting of members from Jesus Fucking Christ and Like Rats From A Sinking Ship, the 5-piece teamed up with producer Christian Wibe in Amper Tone and Oslo Klang studios to forge their debut album “End of.”. US-based artist Seana Reilly’s bleak art adorn the cover of an album that does not offer any easy solutions for our troubled times. With subjects ranging from environmental issues, holier than thou-religious figures, to technology and terrorism, it is indeed within the dark aspects of modern life these themes originate.ATTAN comments on “End of.”:“The process of writing and recording a debut album is a treacherous one. A million different paths can lead you to a million different results. Some of the greatest debut albums ever released has simply been a collection of whatever was written by the artist at one point in time. Others are the result of years of writing, scrapping, rewriting, total collapse and all that jazz. Within both these approaches a constant battle between impulse and authority rages on. In the case of ATTAN this has always been the slippery knife’s edge where the ballet is set.In the making of “End of.” we had a rough idea of what we wanted to achieve. At the same time it’s always been a code in this band to let go, and let the music take us to new places. To balance these two without forcing it is a challenge; a challenge that makes it all worthwhile, but a challenge nonetheless.“End of.” was written in an environment that can be compared to the last stages of hypothermia: It is said that right before you lose consciousness, an experience of extreme bodily warming takes place. Often this results in a paradoxical undressing, despite being situated in surroundings too cold to support human life. Metaphorically this irrational behavior is a fitting description of the times we live in; facing challenges so overwhelming that we in the search for some kind of hope, keep grasping blindly at what so often turns out to be the total opposite of what is needed to redeem the situation.Being a mix between collaboration and solo efforts from the two vocalists (Remi and Fritz), it’s been an organic process of trial and error to make the music lead the way for the words to draw out whatever needs to be said. Although the subjects stem from grander themes, the ambition has always been to filter this through the writers and shape it all on an individual human level – wearing every emotion as a second skin until it’s time to shed and start over.”These are chaotic times - where every decision feels more absolute than the next. The overload forcing us to act blindly on instinct alone. ATTAN - End of. is the result of these tensions; a primal reaction to the devastating confusion that holds us all hostage.Let it in, consume it, or let it consume you - either way you´re doomed.