Since 2008, Fysisk Format has been a consistent provider of musical expressions out of the ordinary. Through digitalisation and media revolutions, Fysisk Format has remained a reliable independent source of new music for the daring listener.
We're not so much about quantity and making hits (though it happens), we're more about quality - finding that one moment, that emotional solar plexus, where music changes everything.
The essential part of our artist deals is trust and mutual benefit. That's why we've upheld enduring collaborations with so many bands in our roster:
The Good the bad and the Zugly: 5 albums, 2 EPs
Årabrot: 5 albums, 3 EPs
Haust: 4 albums, 1 EP
Nils Bech: 4 albums
Blood Command: 3 albums, 3 EPs
Okkultokrati: 3 albums, 2 EPs
Haraball: 3 albums, 2 EPs
Fysisk Format is run from the basement of Tiger records. Most of the bands we are working with are in one way or another connected to the shop and the scene around it, either as customers, friends or through selling their demos here.
We also offer label services through Diger Distro.
Fysisk Format is distributed by:
Digital: Ingrooves
NOR: Diger Distro
UK: Plastichead
SWE: Soundpollution
BE/NE/LUX: Suburban
ITA: Goodfellas
Here’s some press about the label:
Rockarolla: Fysisk Format label focus
Visions: Generalist für Subkulturen (in German)
Puls: Idealismen råder i bransjerota (in Norwegian)
Ballade: Substans i Fysisk Format (in Norwegian)