-First, who's playing in Duvel? And if each of you were an animal, what would it be and why?
Duvel are Jack Holldorff on guitar and vocals, Zacharias Flaathe on bass and Brage Lindebrekke on drums.
Zacharias- a duck or an octopus. I dont know why i said octopus, but duck is my animal because they basically own the elements. They can fly, dive, swim and walk, fucking amazing.
Jack- a baby goat. As a child i spent one summer in italy. We went to the zoo, and there were goats you could pet. I think i went there two times, and i became very good mates with this baby goat. I cried and cried when we had to leave for norway without him.
Brage- i´m not to fond of animals.
-The new track Strange is recorded at local autonomos youth house Blitz. Are you a political band? What's worth throwing bricks for in 2017?
Zacharias- no
Jack- i guess we are political in our own sort of way
Brage- i guess.
Jack- most of the song are about anxiety and depression and sex. Quite a bit of politics in there isn´t it? That sounded dumb, forget about it.
Zacharias- i don´t throw bricks, i´m a pacifist, but if i had to it would be people with umbrellas. They occupy way to much space, they´re rude as fuck.
Brage- jesus said something about throwing rocks didn´t he?
Jack- i think a lot of people deserve a brick or two, my landlord Olav Thon maybe.
-Tell us a bit about the lyrics for Strange. Fysisk Format has read too much Freud, so we read deathwish and sexual transgression into everything. But is there more to it?
Zacharias- it´s about sex isn´t it?
Jack- no, it´s about that most people are disgusting creatures, so when you meet someone who is not, that is quite strange…. I think.
Brage- i like most people
Jack- i don´t. Zacharias, do you know anything about freud?
Zacharias- eeeh, not to much. He is the fucking your parents guy right?
Brage- what is sexual transgression?
-When I first met singer Jack, back when he was 13 and had a one-week intern at Tiger Records, his nickname was "Jack Class Traitor". What was that about?
Jack- well i was politically active in a certain communist-group in my early teens, and those guys were all so concerned with class. The working-class this, the working-class that. And me and a couple mates had a band, and we were like let´s call ourselves the class-traitors, how punk is that?!. We weren´t any good.
-Who do you hate?
Jack- those fucking hipster-kids who´s not creating anything, but deliberately hang out whith people that do, so that it seems like they do to. Fuck’em!
Zacharias- musical elitists
Brage- musical autists?
Zacharis- Elitist!
Jack- what do you mean?
Zacharis- people who´s like “my music is the best, and youres is shit, fuck you”! People who doesn´t recognise subjectivity in music i guess.
Brage- i hate people who don´t like the same music as me.
Zacharias- something that has really gotten on my nerves lately is people who are constantly mowing their lawns.
Jack- i hate ticket-inspectors with a passion, and people talking loudly in their phones at the bus.
Zacharias- and mall-cops! (vektere)
Jack- and music journalists. Especially råkkfolk.no! They gave us a very bad review the other day. We probably hurt their feelings i guess. But, then again, they’re the same as the hipsters feeding off of
-Why did you choose the name Duvel? What does it mean to you?
Zacharias- it means devil/impish child in flemish.
Jack- i had been reading rimbaud, and i suggested du val for our band name, then that turned into duvel somehow.
Brage- and it´s a good beer
-And finally, what's worst joke you know?
Brage- knock knock
Zacharias- who´s there?
Brage- anthrax